Friday, February 26, 2010

Snow day snuggles

Dear Jenna,

Today was officially declared a snow day. I have to say that I think I was more excited than you were...

So seeing how I didn't have to get up and get everyone ready by a certain time, and trudge through the snow and bad roads, I jumped back in my bed and snuggled under the covers.

You came right in and laid next to the dark, we talked with daddy...just letting the minutes slip by without a care in the world. Eventually dad had to get ready to leave so it left just you and me to snuggle, until just moments later, Spencer joined us with a book.

So there we were this morning, you and me and Spencer and a book, snuggled in a big bed while the wind whipped around outside and the snow poured down outside.

I think every day should be a snow day if they include mornings like this.

I love you, and am excited to have you home today.

Love mom