Sunday, February 14, 2010

Living life like a second chance...

It's Valentine's Day.

And I hope you each know how much I love you.

You are the best gift one could ever receive...and you keep on giving year round. With your sweet smiles and hugs, and little personalities...I just love you so much.

Yet, there were many moments today where I felt overwhelmed and frustrated with each of you...for disobeying or for throwing fits...or some other thing.

And then I read a blog about a woman whose son accidentally drowned in a bathtub 2 weeks ago. He was just 16 months old...and he was announced DOA at the hospital.

But 2 weeks and a million miracles later, that same little boy was running on his own, out of the hospital. Can you imagine having a second chance at life like that? That very question is what was on my mind today, as I thought about each of you.

What would I do if you were gone and then came back? What would I change? Would I do less yelling? Would I do more playing? Would we snuggle more? And how many memories would I be anxious to take advantage of?

I guess the truth is, I would do a lot different. I would BE a lot different.

I am only human...I make so many mistakes...but yet I hope I can make the little changes to live life this time around like I would if there were a miraculous second time around...

That is in my is my desire and what I hope I can give to each of you, the way you give so many things to me.

I love you all, my little Valentines.

Love mom