Tuesday, April 6, 2010

So grown up.

Dear Spencer,

Today we went to visit Squires castle. While it isn't really a "castle" per se, it may as well be in your eyes. It's empty, and a place for you to run and play...to imagine...to climb and dream and imagine.

And today, you did all those things.

And today, I saw you in a completely different light. I had my camera, taking pictures, trying to capture each of you in your element. There was a moment I had to stop--to actually put my camera down and just stare at you. You were so grown up.

I have had these ah-ha moments before. That's nothing new. But this experience just seemed so different. It was as if I saw you as you are, and yet as you will become, all in one.

I am grateful for that experience...and grateful for YOU...

Love you,