I had a completely different thing I was going to write about, until I tucked you in bed.
You were throwing SUCH a big fit when it was time for scriptures and prayer. We made an agreement before that if you could not join us for that time, that you wouldn't get a special story in bed...when I usually go in and lay by you and we talk and have some time together.
Knowing that you weren't going to get a story put you in even BIGGER hysterics!
You cried and screamed and threw a huge fit. I went in and tried to calm you down...offered to let you tell me a few things about your day, but you battled even that.
The time went on, your crying went on...and eventually I went back for one final time.
I laid by you and stroked your hair.
You asked me to tell you 3 things about my day, which I did.
And then you asked if I you could tell ME 3 things. The logical side of me wanted to say no--that you had your chance. But the heart side of me laid next to you and loved you...
I told you my 3 things...and you told me yours.
1. It was the last day of testing at school.
2. Tomorrow was Saturday.
3. "The most special thing of all..." (said while whimpering)..."that you loved me".
I am SO glad I spent that time with you...I am. My heart was right this time.
I love you.
Love, me