Today, you simply amazed us all. Even as I write this, I can't help but think back to this morning and wanting to squeeze your little cheeks and kiss your sweet face all over!
See, you still don't say much...Just shy of 3 years, we are lucky to understand a small handful of words. Communication has been frustrating...for both of us. I am always wondering if we are doing enough...teaching enough...and it's hard to know because there isn't a lot of verbal feedback.
But today...oh were in love with Jenna's school project--the coconut tree with the alphabet on it. You hauled it all over the house. You hugged it. And you came over to me babbling and pointing at letters and such.
....and then I heard it. L. Clear as day. You said L.
But the most amazing thing, was that you were actually POINTING to L.
I thought maybe it was a fluke, so I asked another letter. Low and behold, you pointed correctly, and sounded it out. This continued, R, S, T, D, A...on and on. Daddy and I were gasping with each letter...You knew KNOW the alphabet!
We were shocked! When did this happen? Have you known for a while and we just didn't realize?
Today, Mr. made me so proud. So happy. Elated. Thrilled.
You are're getting it...and someday, ONE DAY, you will talk and get it all out the way you just can't (or won't) right now. Today proved that.
Love you little my little alphabet man!
Love mom