Today was my birthday. My 30th birthday to be exact.
And I cannot think of a better way to spend my birthdays than with you guys. You all make having a special day just that...SPECIAL.
You each were SO excited about the card, the gifts, the party favors...and watching you enjoy the magic of the day took me back to a place when having a birthday was a magical thing for me too.
Jenna, your teacher sent a note home saying you marched right into class and proclaimed to everyone that it was your mom's birthday. She giggled about it. I did too. You wished me a happy birthday for several days BEFORE the actual day. You picked out party favors and a card with ballerinas all over it...because you KNEW I would love it.
You just were SO thoughtful.. And that made me happy.
Watching all of you kids tonight as we celebrated by wearing the birthday bling (the gold medals that were chosen for each of us to wear) and blowing party horns, made me want to freeze that very moment. You were laughing...squealing...smiling. And oh, so happy.
I will remember that always.
Thank you for making my day so incredibly wonderful.
Love, mom