Today was not a good day. Not for you. Not for me.
There is much of me that wanted to blame my terrible attitude on you guys...for all the wrongdoings and the fighting and the stress you caused. But after thinking about it for a while, I just couldn't. I couldn't blame you guys for living life...and having a bump in the road...the very same way I was today.
But even then, it didn't make things easier. At the end of the day, I was done...I needed a break.
I found myself running an errand, and wandering through Walmart picking up a few things. Somehow, I ended up walking through the toy aisle. I could just see your faces so clearly in my mind, smiling and so happy...I could picture what would make you THRILLED to play with...and picture you giggling about this and that. It made me miss you...the very people I was wanting so desperately to escape from for a few minutes.
I guess the moral of my story today is that when it is said that absence makes the heart grow fonder, it is true.
This I know.
I love you all. Even on the really bad days.
Love, mom