Dear kids,
Case in point: EVERY time I make anything with dough (bread, pizza, rolls, etc) you ALWAYS ask for some to play with. And you play with it for HOURS. You haul it all over the house. You make funny shapes. You even take it in the car if I let you.
Today was one of those days.
And as I was standing in the kitchen kneading my dough with you boys surrounding me, playing with your own dough, it hit me how SIMPLE life can be.
It's not about WHAT toys we have or how's not about the batteries or the computer games or the fun TV shows you have to watch. It's not about the perfect organization system or the colorful educational books I have bought or any other little thing I think you need to have entertainment throughout the day.
It IS, however, playing with dough, and imagining with cardboard's playing in the snow with my funnel set, and pretending to be a cleaner with my basting brush. It's quiet moments where I can see your little brains working a million miles a minute...and watching you create the most wonderful things out of nothing.
That is the simple life...the good life...the life I have often abandoned for one that was "well thought out" and "entertaining".
I am grateful for today...for pieces of dough...and for your reminder that the simple life is often the best life.