Dear baby inside of me,
Today I got to go for a last minute ultrasound. As the technician searched around my belly to make sure everything was okay inside, it became clear as day that YOU are a boy.
I must say I sat in silence, mulling it all over.
A boy? Another boy? Really?
I was just so surprised.
It isn't that I didn't WANT a boy...that isn't the case at all. I just don't think I have ever pictured ME having so many boys!
But I let that fact sink in as I watched the rest of the ultrasound...your little heart fluttering, your perfect hands and feet, your cute profile, the way your legs stuck straight up, and how you flipped right over when the technician was trying to get a good shot. I found myself in complete awe watching you...this little person inside of me.
Perhaps I never pictured a family with so many boys...but sweet little guy, I just can't picture this family without YOU.
Thank you for being such a joyous surprise today.
I can't wait to meet you.
Love, mom
p.s. if you have any brilliant ideas for names, please send them our way. We are completely stumped.