Dear Spencer,
Today was our special day...just you and me and a trip to get ice cream.
Your eyes got so big when you saw all the choices...and you said yes to about 8 flavors, but I got a double yes on the cake batter icecream with sprinkles in it. I think the sprinkles won you over...
Your eyes and SMILE got even bigger when you saw the ice cream in the cone. YOU WERE SO EXCITED. You licked and licked and licked and hadn't even left evidence that any was eaten, except the ice cream all over your face.
You and I sat across from each other, mostly in silence, eating our icecream and giggling over the drips that you left all over the table. I asked you questions, and got the same responses...squeals and smiles. So I left it at that.
I just had so mun fun watching you tackle a giant ice cream truly made me happy.
I love you big boy...and I am so glad we had our time today.
Love, mom