Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New things

Dear Kaden,

Today we went to a new preschool to have you evaluated to see if you would be able to go there in the fall. You were SO excited!

You want to be in school SO BADLY. You watch Jenna and want to be just like her--you want to have sight words and a backpack and a teacher and class. You want it all! :) So this preschool was something VERY exciting for you.

I dropped you off at the class...and then went to read in the lobby. After a while, I got tired of sitting and went to see if I could peek in on you. You happened to be playing outside. I watched you for a good, long while. You ran here and did your tried everything out. You loved it all. And I loved watching you love it all.

I think sometimes as your mom, I just get used to seeing you play every day...and to see you outside of being with ME, really made me love seeing the you that is a social little guy who loves to play and be with others.

And it also made me want to just sit and watch you much more often.

I love you. And I love watching you love new things.

Love, mom